A very good article and you make many good points, many of which you made directly to the executive team directly back in March. I will say they all had the look of neanderthal man discovering fire (infrastructure???)
I was made aware of an X thread by Jucojames - he said that the current large balance was largely to non recurring gains (CL Involvement) and that a business with similar resources obtained in a similar fashion would deploy them in one one of two ways
1.Special one time dividends to shareholders
2. Infrastructure spending
As it appears that (Barrowfield excepted) Infrastructure spending will not happen, do you think Dermot Desmond and his associates will see a large dividend payment this year?
Great article Harry , that awful "world class basics" in the changing room is akin to polishing a turd and quite frankly , laughable. Whoever signed off on that needs a talking to.
A very good article and you make many good points, many of which you made directly to the executive team directly back in March. I will say they all had the look of neanderthal man discovering fire (infrastructure???)
I was made aware of an X thread by Jucojames - he said that the current large balance was largely to non recurring gains (CL Involvement) and that a business with similar resources obtained in a similar fashion would deploy them in one one of two ways
1.Special one time dividends to shareholders
2. Infrastructure spending
As it appears that (Barrowfield excepted) Infrastructure spending will not happen, do you think Dermot Desmond and his associates will see a large dividend payment this year?
pretty sure the prospect of a large dividend is behind our rocketing share price.
Great article Harry , that awful "world class basics" in the changing room is akin to polishing a turd and quite frankly , laughable. Whoever signed off on that needs a talking to.
Do you know if the club employ a stadium manager?
Yes, Robin Buchanan and I'm pretty sure he would want nothing more than to get a decent budget
Spot on. The facilities in the main stand are appalling for a club that wants to be regarded as one of the best in the world
The toilets and catering are not worthy of a championship club never mind a premier club .
If the club invest in the infrastructure then they could recoup it through increased supporter spend
The directors box has been renovated , shame they couldn’t do the same for those that actually pay to sit in the stand .
Board room and box renovated to an extent but still sub-standard