The Celtic Underground Substack
The Celtic Underground
Celtic Blowing Hot Cold?

Celtic Blowing Hot Cold?

The past week has seen Celtic lose a two goal defecit to Hibs (a game we should have won by 5 or 6) followed by the Europa League Draw, followed by a FREEZING victory over Hamilton and then all rounded off with a lovely Christmas letter to all season book holders from the club.

With such an action packed week we’ve already squeezed a podcast extra in but have also decided to get @LachieMor1 back on to review the week.

Just before uploading the podcast I asked for cover versions or great intro’s on Twitter and was bombarded.  I have noted all and will get to them all.  Meantime I picked the request from @Hullbhoy for a Sinead O’Connor song and went for her cover of Don’t Cry For Me Argentina (should have saved for @markocooper) and Los Colorados cover of Katie Perry.  It’s quite unique!


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The Celtic Underground Substack
The Celtic Underground
The Celticunderground podcast is the world's longest running football fan podcast.
It is produced by the people behind and
Just a few Celtic fans talking about Celtic, the greatest football team in the world.